"" Arif Alvi requested the Punjab and KPK provincial assemblies.

Arif Alvi requested the Punjab and KPK provincial assemblies.

In a letter to Chief Election Commissioner Sikandar Sultan Raja which ARY News has a copy of President Arif Alvi they stated that Article 224(2) of the Constitution mandates that elections for an assembly be conducted within 90 days of the dissolving.

He emphasized that Article 218 (3) of the Constitution, which charged the ECP with ensuring fair and free elections, assigned the conduct and holding of elections as the ECP's primary and vital task.

President Arif Alvi requested the Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provincial assemblies' election schedules

He clarified that the Commission would ultimately be held accountable for violating the nation's Constitution if it did not fulfill its mandate and responsibilities.

He reminded the CEC and other ECP members of their fundamental responsibility under the Elections Act of 2017 and their oath under Article 214 and the Third Schedule of the Constitution, which states that they "will discharge my duties faithfully under the Constitution of Pakistan," to avoid severe consequences of violating the Constitution or the law and to immediately announce the election dates for the two dissolved assemblies.

The oldest democracies "have never delayed elections even during conflicts" the president added.

"I am of the firm opinion that no such circumstances may furnish any justification for delaying or postponing elections; in fact such postponements of constitutionally mandated elections throughout the world in recent history have morphed into serious long-term setbacks to democracy," said Dr. Alvi.

The president praised the announcement of the by-elections for the vacant National Assembly seats as a constitutionally correct action by ECP.

President Arif Alvi requested the Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provincial assemblies' election schedules

Imran Khan, the former prime minister, declared the dissolution of the Punjab and KP assemblies on January 18 and January 14 respectively to pressure the government into calling early elections.

Per the Constitution of Pakistan polls must be held for the dissolved assemblies in 90 days.

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