"" John Oliver should not be concerned about ChatGPT. AI can aid us in resolving challenging issues.

John Oliver should not be concerned about ChatGPT. AI can aid us in resolving challenging issues.

The talk shows host approaches the news in a witty, thoroughly researched, and irreverent manner that makes sense in a complex world. Nevertheless, artificial intelligence is different. John Oliver is fantastic. Not simply because Morrissey, Monty Python, and I are both from the land of fish and chips.

I'm embarrassed to say how many of my viewpoints are influenced by his thinking. The TV host presents the news in a funny, thoroughly researched, and irreverent way that makes sense in a complex world. Nevertheless, artificial intelligence is different. During "Last Week Tonight," John Oliver bashed artificial intelligence.

John Oliver should not be concerned about ChatGPT. AI can aid us in resolving challenging issues.

Oliver recently attacked the rapid uptake of artificial intelligence and machine learning models during an edition of his well-liked HBO Sunday night talk programme "Last Week Tonight," in particular, the Microsoft-funded chatbot ChatGPT.

According to Oliver, the issue with AI now is that it needs to be more intelligent. It's foolish in ways we can't always predict; that's the problem. Considering how frequently we employ AI for important purposes, this is a serious issue.

These remarks are unfair. Large language models like ChatGPT and Google's LaMDA and Bard is astounding in the number of jobs they can complete. AI is valuable in various industries, including banking and education.

For instance, providing pertinent material fast is useful when creating content for a website's "help" section. AI helps improve customer service as well. Consumers want to be immediately attended to but feel connected with a human. In a world where so many interactions occur remotely, AI is important in facilitating that experience.

It's also critical to recognise that the models are changing. As they consume more content from larger audiences, they'll become smarter, much like Siri and Alexa. Oliver has some good arguments, to be fair. The emergence of AI models brings issues that require deeper discussion. For instance, ChatGPT and other AI tools are excellent code cleaners. Yet by providing the chatbot with their intellectual property, developers worldwide who use ChatGPT to tidy up code are essentially leaking it.

AI can be abused, but there are ways to prevent it.

Black box AI technology, which lacks transparency in its decision-making process and, as a result, lacks responsibility for disseminating false information, is another major issue. Now, even a non-technical person may learn how to train widely accessible black box AI models like XGBoost by downloading them online. Yet, they must discover why the model made the choices or whether bias or misleading information affected the outcomes.

Oliver spoke out against the risks of black box AI for 28 minutes. "AI systems ought to be explainable," he said, meaning that we should be able to comprehend precisely how and why an AI came up with its solutions.

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Iris, our flagship platform, is completely answerable and explains why it made a given a choice. Beyond banking, a variety of other businesses have comparable approaches.

Some sophisticated models have been developed that explicitly justify why a particular outcome occurs. Yet it is challenging to find them or download them quickly from the internet. Expert mathematicians, data scientists, subject matter experts, and risk and compliance analysts painstakingly design, monitor, tune, measure, and test these tools.

The use of intelligent machine learning and AI is a powerful technology that is essential to the modern world. While you should never employ black-box AI to make decisions with legal repercussions or significant implications, this does not imply you cannot use sophisticated, cutting-edge, and open solutions to enhance the decision-making process in crucial industries.

Regarding black box solutions, I don't believe there is any cause for concern for the general population. Several businesses stand to benefit greatly from ChatGPT's amazing technological breakthrough.

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